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Coalition Members, English, Featured

Defenders of Human Rights Center

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Founded in 2001, the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC) is an Iranian human rights organization which advocates for the rights of women, political prisoners, and minorities in Iran. Its president is 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, and its vice president is 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammedi, currently incarcerated in Evin prison.

Coalition Members

Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM)

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Since 2000, ECPM has been fighting against the death penalty worldwide by uniting and rallying abolitionist forces across the world. ECPM advocates with international bodies and encourage universal abolition through education, information, and public awareness campaigns. ECPM strengthens the capacities of abolitionist actors and act alongside them on a local scale.

Coalition Members

Iran Human Rights

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IHR’s aim has been to create an abolitionist movement in Iran by increasing awareness about the death penalty. In recent years the number of executions in Iran has been rising and there are now a growing number of human rights defenders, groups and even political organizations giving attention to the death penalty. Besides the death penalty IHR aims at monitoring other human rights issues such as rights of the ethnic and religious minorities, women, children, human rights defenders and environment in the future. In order to improve, we depend on your news, criticism and advice. You can also contribute to our work by becoming a member in IHR or by donations.

Coalition Members

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

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The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center is an independent non-profit organization that was founded in 2004 by human rights scholars and lawyers. The mission of the Center is to: establish a comprehensive and objective historical record of the human rights situation in Iran, and on the basis of this record, establish responsibility for patterns of human rights abuses; make the record available in an archive that is accessible to the public for research and educational purposes; promote accountability, respect for human rights and the rule of law in Iran; and encourage an informed dialogue on the human rights situation in Iran among scholars and the general public in Iran and abroad.

Coalition Members

Kurdistan Human Rights Association-Geneva 

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The Association for Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran-Geneva (KMMK-G) aims to promote democracy, respect for human rights and social development in and beyond Kurdistan of Iran.

To that purpose, the Association commits itself to struggle against any form of discrimination towards ethnic and religious minorities within the region, defend political prisoners, fight for the abolition of death penalty, and promote women’s and children’s rights. In addition, the KMMK-G intends to increase public awareness of the situation of human rights in all Kurdish regions and to promote the rights and the integration of the Kurds wherever they live.

Coalition Members

Kurdistan Human Rights Network

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The Kurdistan Human Rights Network is an independent, non-profit, and nonpartisan organisation registered in France since 2014.

The activities of this organisation focus on the two areas of education and promotion of human rights principles and values, as well as reporting and documenting human rights violations in Kurdistan/Iran.

Coalition Members

Outright International

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OutRight seeks to advance human rights and opportunities for LGBTIQ people around the world by developing critical partnerships at global, regional, and national levels to build capacity, document violations, advocate for inclusion and equality, and hold leaders accountable for protecting the rights of all LGBTIQ people. Today, we partner with local LGBTIQ organizations across four regions and maintain a cross-regional LGBTIQ initiative at the UN in New York. As an international LGBTIQ organization with a long history of productive and trusting relationships with grassroots LGBTIQ communities worldwide, we serve as a bridge between local communities and high-impact external levers of power.

Coalition Members

PEN America

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PEN America stands at the intersection of literature and human rights to protect free expression in the United States and worldwide. PEN champions the freedom to write, recognizing the power of the word to transform the world. PEN America’s mission is to unite writers and their allies to celebrate creative expression and defend the liberties that make it possible.

Coalition Members, Featured


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Rasank is an independent, analysis-driven media organization, created and developed in collaboration with Baloch civil and human rights activists. Rasank provides news and analysis on the Baluchistan region and Iran, with a focus on human rights.

Coalition Members

Siamak Pourzand Foundation

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This foundation was launched in April 2013 in the memory of late Siamak Pourzand, an Iranian journalist and a former prisoner of conscience in Iran who took his own life under house arrest in 2011. The Siamak Pourzand Foundation (SPF) promotes freedom of expression for artists, writers, journalists and creative minds in contexts where the censorship apparatus is hard at work. Further, it aims to provide a collaborative platform for creative minds struggling against censorship and repression.

Coalition Members

United for Iran

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Today in Iran, people are imprisoned for simply voicing their opinions. United for Iran empowers a growing global network of issue experts, coders, developers, and activists to create an Iran where civil liberties are respected. Our technologies empower Iranians to keep informed, voice their beliefs, stand up for the values and organize. Our campaigns raise public awareness and directly pressure the Islamic Republic of Iran to spare lives, release prisoners and stop persecutions.

The global United for Iran community acts on behalf of individuals, their families, and the community of people working for a free Iran through technological innovation, online advocacy, and public education. Since 2009, more than 250,000 people from 110 cities have participated in actions and events sponsored by United for Iran.

UN General Assembly, UN Secretary General, UNGA 68

UNGA 68: September 2013 Report of the Secretary-General on Human Rights in Iran

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The present report is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 67/182, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its sixty-eighth session. The report reflects the patterns and trends in the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and provides information on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution, including recommendations to improve its implementation. In its resolution 67/182, the General Assembly called upon the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to address the substantive concerns highlighted in the previous report of the Secretary General (A/67/327) and to respect fully its human rights obligations, in law and in practice, in relation to a number of specifically identified concerns.

Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on Iran

Iran: UN experts concerned at barring of women presidential candidates and freedom restrictions

A group of United Nations independent human rights experts today warned that unreasonable limitations placed on the right of Iranian citizens to stand for Presidential office, discrimination against women candidates for elections and ongoing restrictions on freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly, constitute a serious violations of rights guaranteed by international law.

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