Kurdistan Human Rights Association-Geneva
Kurdistan Human Rights Association-Geneva (KMMK-G) aims to promote democracy, respect for human rights and social development in and beyond Kurdistan of Iran.
To that purpose, the Association commits itself to struggle against any form of discrimination towards ethnic and religious minorities within the region, defend political prisoners, fight for the abolition of death penalty, and promote women’s and children’s rights. In addition, the KMMK-G intends to increase public awareness of the situation of human rights in all Kurdish regions and to promote the rights and the integration of the Kurds wherever they live.
Established in Geneva in 2006, the KMMK-G constitutes a bridge between the Kurdish civil society and the United Nations Agencies and NGOs. The KMMK-G takes part in all sessions of the Human Rights Council and UN Forum on minorities’ issues. Moreover, the Association gets frequently in contact with various United Nations organs in order to submit reports on the situation of human rights in Kurdistan of Iran.
The KMMK-G is therefore a recognized source of information. Its reports are published on the website of the United Nations Human Rights Council and High Commissioner of Human Rights. The Association publishes often articles in Kurdish and Iranian media.
The KMMK-G is also active within the Geneva and Swiss communities. Indeed, Swiss political parties regularly consult the Association about the Kurdish issue and immigrant’s integration. Further moreover, the KMMK-G supports the Kurdish Diaspora living in exile by organising conferences, cultural events and language courses.