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Material drafted in collaboration with Impact Iran coalition members, to condemn and bring awareness to ongoing human rights issues in Iran, for stakeholders, the UN General Assembly, and members of the Human Rights Council.

HRC 52, Human Rights Council, Iran Mandate Holders, Reports (Rehman), The Special Procedures

UN Special Rapporteur on Iran’s findings point to the possible commission of international crimes

In a groundbreaking report released today, Javaid Rehman, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, declared that “the scale and gravity” of human rights violations he and his office have been documenting since the start of the protests in September 2022 “point to the possible commission ...

Dr. Javaid Rehman, FFMI, Human Rights Council, Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, Special Rapporteur, Special Session

#SS35: Statement from Javaid Rehman – UNSR on the human rights situation in Iran

Find a Persian translation of the statement here. 24 November 2022 Mr. President, Distinguished Delegates, Representatives of civil society, It is my honour to be with you today and to deliver a statement on behalf of the Coordination Committee of the Special Procedures and my own mandate. On 26 October, ...

FFMI, Human Rights Council, Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, Joint Initiatives, Special Session

#SS35: Joint Statement – Iran Human Rights, ECPM & Impact Iran

ECPM, Iran Human Rights, and Impact Iran (a coalition of 16 NGOs including  Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, Article 19, KMM-KG, AHRAZ, All Human Rights for All in Iran, Baluch Campain, Center for supporters of human rights, European Ahwazi Human Rights Organization, ECPM, Human Rights Activists in Iran, IHRNGO, IHRDC, KURDPA, Outright ...

Dr. Javaid Rehman, General Assembly and Third Committee, Special Rapporteur, UN General Assembly

UNSR Javaid Rehman’s IAD with UN General Assembly 77: “Establish an international mechanism to ensure accountability”

On October 26th, 2022, UN Special Rapporteur Javaid Rehman presented his latest report (A/77/181) on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee, as part of the Assembly’s 77th’s session. Mr. Rehman emphasized arbitrary detention as a persistent human rights concern, ...

Advocacy, Dr. Javaid Rehman, English, HRC 51, Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur

HRC51 SIDE EVENT – Human Rights in Iran: Violent Crackdown on Women and Protestors

Date · Wednesday 5 October 2022 Co-sponsors STATE · Permanent Mission of Germany NGOs · Impact Iran, Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, FIDH, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Femena, ISHR, International Commission of Jurists, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, ARTICLE 19, Association for Women’s Rights in Development ...

Advocacy, Human Rights Committee, Research, Submissions, Treaty Bodies

Joint Submission: Fair Trial, Due Process & Iran’s Compliance with the ICCPR

A submission from: The Abdorrahman Boroumand Center (ABC)Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRANA)Impact Iran &Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC), provided to the Human Rights Committee in conjunction with its upcoming 136th session, which will take place between October 10 and November 4 2022. Read the submission’s introduction below, and ...


Joint Statement: Belgian law-makers must say no to prisoner swap deal with Iran that condones hostage-taking and could result in the release of a terrorist

The announcement on 29 June 2022 that Belgian lawmakers would examine a “Transfer of Sentenced Persons” bilateral treaty with the Islamic Republic of Iran sparked serious concerns that the Belgian Government is considering enabling the Islamic Republic of Iran’s hostage-taking policy and undermining accountability for Iranian officials convicted for acts ...

Advocacy, FFMI, Human Rights Council, Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, Joint Initiatives

Joint Statement: UN Human Rights Council must hold a special session on Iran

We are writing to raise our deep concerns about the Iranian authorities’ mobilization of their well-honed machinery of repression to ruthlessly crackdown on current nationwide protests.  The United Nations Human Rights Council should act as a matter of urgency by holding a special session and — given the gravity of ...


اعضای «شورای اقتصادی اجتماعی سازمان ملل» باید ایران را از کمیسیون وضعیت زنان حذف کنند

نیویورک،  دسامبر ۲۰۲۲: در همبستگی با زنان ایرانی که خواستار حقوق خود با به خطر انداختن جان و آزادی خود هستند، نیویورک،  ۱۰ دسامبر ۲۰۲۲: در همبستگی با زنان ایرانی که خواستار حقوق خود با به خطر انداختن جان و آزادی خود هستند، ائتلاف «ایمپکت ایران» از دولت‌ها می‌خواهد که ...

FFMI, Human Rights Council, Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, Special Session

Press Release – Impact Iran hails the HRC for establishing a UN Fact-Finding Mission into the human rights situation in Iran

Impact Iran hails today’s establishment by the Human Rights Council (“HRC”) of an international independent inquiry into Iran’s ongoing crackdown on nationwide popular protests as a watershed moment.  By a majority of 25 versus 6, and 16 abstentions, the main UN human rights body established an “international independent fact-finding mission” ...

Advocacy, FFMI, Human Rights Council, Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, Joint Initiatives

Impact Iran applauds Germany’s initiative for a Special Session on human rights in Iran and calls for the swift establishment of an investigative accountability body

Impact Iran applauds the German Government’s recent announcement of its decision to support a Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council on the grave human rights situation in Iran, with a view to “establish[ing] a UN mechanism” to ensure that “evidence can be collected and documented.“ We welcome German ...