Author name: admin


UNGA 71: Letter Concerning ‘No Action Motion’

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We are writing to you in regard to a ‘no-action motion’ we understand will be introduced on Tuesday 15 November at the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee on all country resolutions tabled under agenda item 68(c).

We wish to express our deep concern about such an initiative.


UNGA 71: Factual Support Guide to Resolution

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The annual United Nations General Assembly resolution on the Situation of the Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been one of the most effective means by which the international community has expressed concern for the rights of people in Iran. The resolution bolsters the work of Iranian human rights defenders. It also outlines for Iranian officials the exact set of human rights issues they should prioritize, encouraging them to take substantive steps to reform laws and practices in line with the country’s obligations.


UNGA 71: Update on Human Rights Situation in Iran – November 2016

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The human rights situation in Iran remains one of systemic violations that are deeply rooted in laws, policies, and practices. The chronic nature of the situation requires sustained attention by the international community and United Nations system.

While the Iranian government has recently made some positive human rights overtures and taken a few welcomed steps, the government has not prioritized human rights reforms. Moreover, the international human rights portfolio remains under the control of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights, a body linked to the Judiciary and the office of the Supreme Leader, state institutions that are openly averse to universal human rights norms.

UN General Assembly, UN Secretary General, UNGA 71

UNGA 71: September 2016 Report of the Secretary-General on Human Rights in Iran

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The present report is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 70/173, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its seventy-first session on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution. The report reflects patterns and trends in the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and includes recommendations to improve the implementation of resolution 70/173.


UNGA 71: Facts on Human Rights in Iran (Infographic)

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The sustained attention of United Nations human rights mechanisms has provided opportunities for improvement in Iran, but the human rights situation in the country remains dire.

This guide provides updates on the situation of human rights in Iran for the 71st session of the UN General Assembly.


A Day in the Life of a Baha’i

What is a day in the life of an Iranian Baha’i like? Baha’is are a religious minority of about 300,000 people in Iran. They face harsh forms of legal and social discrimination and routine persecution. Hateful anti-Baha’i policies are fueled by a steady stream hateful rhetoric emanating from Iranian state-run media and government affiliated clerics.


Iran: Executions Don’t Stop Addiction

According to the UN, drug crimes do not constitute the “most serious crimes” for which the death penalty is narrowly permissible under international human rights law. Iran is the number one per-capita executor in the world, having put to death at least 1,050 people in 2015. Based on data collected by ABF, this figure is a 20-year high. About 70% of Iran’s annual executions are for narcotics-related offenses. Authorities have executed over 3,000 people since 2010 for drug crimes without tangible achievements in curtailing drug flow and use.

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