
Advocacy, Dr. Javaid Rehman, Featured, Joint Initiatives, Special Rapporteur on Iran

Joint CSO letter calling for the renewal of the mandate of the SR on Iran

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We, the undersigned Iranian and international human rights organisations, call on your government to support the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran at the 46th session of the Human Rights Council. We also urge your government to use this opportunity to voice concern at the grave and systematic violations of human rights reported by the Special Rapporteur, and to call on Iranian authorities to put an end to the endemic impunity that surrounds these violations.

Advocacy, English, Featured, Joint Initiatives


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We, the undersigned 36 civil society and human rights organizations, call for the urgent attention of the international community to an ongoing wave of arbitrary arrests, incommunicado detention, and enforced disappearances by the Iranian authorities, targeting scores of people from Iran’s disadvantaged Kurdish minority in the provinces of Alborz, Kermanshah, Kurdistan, Tehran, and West Azerbaijan.


UN Voices Concern Over Iran’s Human Rights Record

The United Nations General Assembly voiced concern over the Islamic Republic of Iran’s human rights record once again this week, voting to adopt a resolution presented every year condemning a range of human rights violations in the country.

This is the fifteenth year in a row that the UN General Assembly, condemns Iranian government’s human rights record and calls on Iran to adopt long-awaited reforms to align its legislation and policies to some of the most fundamental human rights standards.

Featured, UNGA 72

UNGA 72: Facts on Human Rights in Iran (Infographic)

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The sustained attention of United Nations has provided opportunities for human rights improvement in Iran, but the situation in the country remains dire.

Iran remains the world leader in executions per capita. Capital offense trials consistently fail to meet fair trial standards. Some executions are carried out in public. Most executions are for nonviolent drug-related offenses, which is not permitted under international law. Authorities also continue to execute juveniles yearly.

Featured, UPR 2nd Cycle (2014)

UPR Follow-up Report on Implementation

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The UPR is a human rights mechanism uniquely favored by many member states, including the Islamic Republic of Iran. Indeed, Iran has stated that the UPR is the “most pertinent, effective and trustful UN mechanism for the review of human rights situation of all States.” Iran’s approach to the UPR, however, raises questions about its level of commitment to the mechanism, as well as to upholding its international human rights obligations overall.

The UPR is a dynamic process through which any UN member state, as a peer, can propose recommendations to a “State under review” on how to best advance human rights in their respective countries. Recommendations accepted by the state then become a framework for its promotion of human rights, as well as for stakeholders to dialogue with the state and measure its progress.

Coalition Members, Featured

Ahwaz Human Rights Organization

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Ahwaz Human Rights Organization (AHRO) is an international human rights advocacy organization, who supports and advocates for the Ahwazi Arabs – a national and linguistic minority, and an oppressed and persecuted ethnic group in the Southwestern Iranian province of Khuzestan (also called Al-Ahwaz or Arabistan).

Coalition Members, Featured

Baloch Campaign

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Baloch Campaign is a non-governmental, human rights and educational organization founded in 2012, that focuses on defending the rights of the Baloch people, strengthening Baloch civil society, educating its audience on human rights, and providing up-to-date news coverage and reports.

Coalition Members, English, Featured

Defenders of Human Rights Center

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Founded in 2001, the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC) is an Iranian human rights organization which advocates for the rights of women, political prisoners, and minorities in Iran. Its president is 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, and its vice president is 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammedi, currently incarcerated in Evin prison.

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