UNGA 72 (2017)
View list of reports and resolutions for the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. hr>
View list of reports and resolutions for the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. hr>
The United Nations General Assembly voiced concern over the Islamic Republic of Iran’s human rights record once again this week, voting to adopt a resolution presented every year condemning a range of human rights violations in the country.
This is the fifteenth year in a row that the UN General Assembly, condemns Iranian government’s human rights record and calls on Iran to adopt long-awaited reforms to align its legislation and policies to some of the most fundamental human rights standards.
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran on December 19, 2017. The resolution was passed in the third committee during seventy-second session of the General Assembly in November 2017 by a vote of 81 in favor, 30 against, with 70 abstentions. hr>
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We, the undersigned human rights and civil society organizations, urge your government to vote in favor of Resolution A/C.3/72/L.41 on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, presented before the Third Committee in the framework of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly.
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The present report is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 71/204, which requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its seventy-second session on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution. The report reflects the patterns and trends in the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and includes recommendations to improve the implementation of the resolution.
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Statement by Ms. Asma Jahangir, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, offered before the 72nd session of the General Assembly on 25 October 2017.
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Annex to the letter dated 10 October 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
Comments and observations of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
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La résolution annuelle de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU sur la situation des droits de l’homme en République islamique d’Iran a été un des moyens les plus efficaces par lequel la communauté internationale a exprimé son inquiétude concernant les droits de la population iranienne. La résolution renforce le travail des défenseurs des droits de l’homme iraniens. Elle fournit également aux autorités iraniennes une liste des questions de droits de l’homme qu’elles doivent traiter en priorité, et les encourage à prendre des mesures en vue de réformer les lois et de modifier les pratiques, pour les mettre en conformité avec les obligations internationales de l’Iran.
This guide provides factual support to the operative paragraphs of the General Assembly Draft Resolution. Events highlighted in this guide took place from January 2017 through the end of September 2017.
Documents and analysis prepared by Impact Iran during the 2nd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review. hr>
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In this Universal Periodic Review (UPR) midterm report, ARTICLE 19 and Impact Iran assess the progress made by the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) in implementing freedom of expression related recommendations received during the second cycle in October 2014. Iran’s third cycle review is due to take place November 2019.
The sustained attention of United Nations has provided opportunities for human rights improvement in Iran, but the situation in the country remains dire.
Iran remains the world leader in executions per capita. Capital offense trials consistently fail to meet fair trial standards. Some executions are carried out in public. Most executions are for nonviolent drug-related offenses, which is not permitted under international law. Authorities also continue to execute juveniles yearly.
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During its thirty-third session, the Human Rights Council appointed Asma Jahangir as Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The present report outlines the activities carried out by the Special Rapporteur since the issuance of her first report to the Council (A/HRC/34/65), examines ongoing issues and presents some of the most recent and pressing developments in the area of human rights in the country.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been actively engaged in shaping the post-2015 development agenda, and volunteered to present its progress towards realizing the SDGs at the Volunteer National Review (VNR) during the second annual High-level Political Forum in July 2017.
May 19, 2017
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Letter signed by Impact Iran coalition member’s urging President Rouhani to appoint new Minister of Justicec to replace Mr. Mostafa Pourmohammadi. hr>
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The present report is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 71/204, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit an interim report to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-fourth session. The report reflects the patterns and trends in the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and provides information on the progress made in the implementation of resolution 71/204, including recommendations to improve implementation. In its resolution, the General Assembly called upon the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to address the substantive concerns highlighted in the previous reports of the Secretary-General and to respect fully its human rights obligations, in law and in practice. hr>
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Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, during the thirty-fourth session on March 24, 2017. The resolution was passed by a vote of 22 in favor, 12 against, with 13 abstentions. hr>
Documents prepared for the 34th Session of the Human Rights Council by Impact Iran. hr>
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The present report is submitted to the Human Rights Council pursuant to resolution 31/19. The report communicates developments in the human rights situation of the Islamic Republic of Iran that have transpired since the submission of the report of the former Special Rapporteur to the 71st session of the General Assembly in October 2016. During its 33 rd session, the Human Rights Council appointed Ms. Asma Jahangir as Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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The human rights situation in Iran in early 2017 remains one of systemic violations that are deeply rooted in laws, policies, and practices. The chronic nature of the situation requires continued and sustained attention by the international community and by the United Nations system.
While the Iranian government has made some positive human rights overtures and taken a few welcomed steps, overall the government has not prioritized human rights reforms and core human rights issues remain unchallenged.
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The Human Rights Council’s appointment of a new United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Asma Jahangir, provides an opportunity for the international community to reflect on the successes of the Iran mandate and the Council’s continued efforts moving forward. In this regard, the mandate remains a valuable tool for encouraging Iran to meet its obligations under the international human rights framework.
The UPR is a human rights mechanism uniquely favored by many member states, including the Islamic Republic of Iran. Indeed, Iran has stated that the UPR is the “most pertinent, effective and trustful UN mechanism for the review of human rights situation of all States.” Iran’s approach to the UPR, however, raises questions about its level of commitment to the mechanism, as well as to upholding its international human rights obligations overall.
The UPR is a dynamic process through which any UN member state, as a peer, can propose recommendations to a “State under review” on how to best advance human rights in their respective countries. Recommendations accepted by the state then become a framework for its promotion of human rights, as well as for stakeholders to dialogue with the state and measure its progress.
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Submission created in collaboration with the Center for Supporters of Human Rights (CSHR) to highlight the rights of persons disabled by landmines in the Islamic Republic of Iran. hr>
GENEVA (2 February 2017) – A group of United Nations human rights experts* has appealed to the Islamic Republic of
A mid-term assessment of Iran’s implementation of recommendations received during the 2014 UPR.