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Human Rights Council, UN Secretary General

HRC 31: May 2016 Report of the Secretary-General on Situation of Human Rights in Iran

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The present report is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 70/173, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit an interim report to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-first session on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution. In the report the Secretary-General describes patterns and trends in the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and makes recommendations to improve the implementation of the resolution.


UN Special Rapporteurs and Iran

Iran has refused to cooperate with 7 UN Special Rapporteurs and refused to implement dozens of promises made to the Human Rights Council.

If the country’s main human rights body (Iran’s High Council for Human Rights) designs there is even a problem, then the UN must ensure the Special Rapporteur and other mechanisms can continue to monitor Iran.


UNGA 71: Update on Human Rights Situation in Iran – March 2016

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The human rights situation in Iran remains one of systemic violations that are deeply rooted in laws, policies, and practices. The chronic nature of the situation requires sustained attention by international community and United Nations system.

While the Iranian government has recently made some positive human rights overtures and taken a few welcomed steps, the government has not prioritized human rights reforms. Moreover, the international human rights portfolio remains under the control of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights, a body linked to the Judiciary and the office of the Supreme Leader, state institutions openly averse to universal human rights norms.


UNGA 71: 2016 State of Rights in Iran

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It is essential to support regular human rights monitoring and reporting by the United Nations and to press Iran to allow visits by UN special rapporteurs, including the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Bahereh Hedayat — Iranian Prisoner of Conscience

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Bahareh Hedayat is the spokesperson and the only female member of the central committee in charge of public affairs of the Office for Strengthening Unity, the largest university students’ union in Iran. The union is one of the country’s strongest voices for political reform and human rights. She was also a founding member of the One Million Signatures Campaign, a grassroots movement demanding changes to discriminatory laws. The Campaign was the largest women’s rights initiative in postrevolutionary Iran.

Bahareh, whose activities were crucial in building bridges between the student movement and the women’s rights movement in Iran, was arrested in December 2009, at age 28, in connection with protests following the disputed presidential elections. She has been in prison ever since.


Narges Mohammadi — Iranian Prisoner of Conscience

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Narges Mohammadi, is the former vice-president of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, an NGO founded by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, and co-founder of the group ‘Step by Step to Stop the Death Penalty’, a coalition aiming to abolish death penalty in Iran. Mohamadi, despite suffering from various health complications, has been a prominent voice for human rights and advocate for victims of right violations inside the country.


UNGA 70: Update on Human Rights Situation – February 2016

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The human rights situation in Iran remains one of systemic violations that are deeply rooted in laws, policies, and practices. The chronic nature of the situation requires sustained attention by international community and United Nations system.

While the Iranian government has recently made some positive human rights overtures and taken a few welcomed steps, the government has not prioritized human rights reforms. Moreover, the international human rights portfolio remains under the control of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights, a body linked to the Judiciary and the office of the Supreme Leader, state institutions openly averse to universal human rights norms.


UNGA 70: The UN on Human Rights in Iran (Infographic)

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This summary visualizes key facts and findings presented in separate reports on human rights in Iran produced by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UN Special Rapporteur on Iran Ahmed Shaheed in September and October of 2015 along with relevant information from other UN reports.

UN General Assembly, UN Secretary General, UNGA 70

UNGA 70: August 2015 Report of the Secretary-General on Human Rights in Iran

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The report is submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 69/190, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its seventieth session on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution. The report reflects patterns and trends in terms of the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and includes recommendations to improve the implementation of the resolution.

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