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19/09/2017 English

UPR – 2nd Cycle (2014)

Below are documents with background information and analysis of Iran’s implementation of recommendations it received prepared by Impact Iran during the 2nd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review.

iran-report-uprUPR Mid-term Report | Part 1 | Part 2

Written by the High Council for Human Rights of the Judiciary of Iran.


Iran: Backsliding on UN Free Expression Commitments (Report)

In this Universal Periodic Review (UPR) midterm report, ARTICLE 19 and Impact Iran assess the progress made by the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) in implementing freedom of expression related recommendations received during the second cycle in October 2014. Iran’s third cycle review is due to take place November 2019.


upr-executive-summaryUPR Follow-up Report on Implementation

This report offers a short review of Iran’s implementation of recommendations received during the second cycle.


UPR-Fact-Sheets-12014 UPR Mid-term Assessment (Infographic)

This infographic offers a mid-term assessment of Iran’s implementation of recommendations received during the 2014 UPR in specific areas including women’s rights, the use of the death penalty, the administration of justice and the situation of ethnic and religious minorities.


hrc37-factsheetFebruary 2018 Update on the Human Rights Situation in Iran

This fact sheet outlines the most serious human rights issues in Iran as of February 2018.


Fact Sheet on Religious and Ethnic Minorities

This fact sheet breaks down the UPR recommendations Iran received on this topic and their levels of implementation by the government.


Fact Sheet on Women’s Rights

This fact sheet breaks down the UPR recommendations Iran received on this topic and their levels of implementation by the government.


Fact Sheet on the Death Penalty

This fact sheet breaks down the UPR recommendations Iran received on this topic and their levels of implementation by the government.


Fact Sheet on the Administration of Justice

This fact sheet breaks down the UPR recommendations Iran received on this topic and their levels of implementation by the government.