

Update on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran – March 2017

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The human rights situation in Iran in early 2017 remains one of systemic violations that are deeply rooted in laws, policies, and practices. The chronic nature of the situation requires continued and sustained attention by the international community and by the United Nations system.

While the Iranian government has made some positive human rights overtures and taken a few welcomed steps, overall the government has not prioritized human rights reforms and core human rights issues remain unchallenged.


Reflection on the Iran Mandate – March 2017

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The Human Rights Council’s appointment of a new United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Asma Jahangir, provides an opportunity for the international community to reflect on the successes of the Iran mandate and the Council’s continued efforts moving forward. In this regard, the mandate remains a valuable tool for encouraging Iran to meet its obligations under the international human rights framework.


A Day in the Life of a Baha’i

What is a day in the life of an Iranian Baha’i like? Baha’is are a religious minority of about 300,000 people in Iran. They face harsh forms of legal and social discrimination and routine persecution. Hateful anti-Baha’i policies are fueled by a steady stream hateful rhetoric emanating from Iranian state-run media and government affiliated clerics.


Iran: Executions Don’t Stop Addiction

According to the UN, drug crimes do not constitute the “most serious crimes” for which the death penalty is narrowly permissible under international human rights law. Iran is the number one per-capita executor in the world, having put to death at least 1,050 people in 2015. Based on data collected by ABF, this figure is a 20-year high. About 70% of Iran’s annual executions are for narcotics-related offenses. Authorities have executed over 3,000 people since 2010 for drug crimes without tangible achievements in curtailing drug flow and use.


UN Special Rapporteurs and Iran

Iran has refused to cooperate with 7 UN Special Rapporteurs and refused to implement dozens of promises made to the Human Rights Council.

If the country’s main human rights body (Iran’s High Council for Human Rights) designs there is even a problem, then the UN must ensure the Special Rapporteur and other mechanisms can continue to monitor Iran.


Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi: Iran Has Not Kept Its Promises

In the final video of this series, Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi draws attention to Iran’s upcoming Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council on October 31, 2104, confronting Iran’s human rights violations through personal accounts.


Time for Iran to keep its UN Promises

This video series, draws attention to Iran’s upcoming Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council on October 31, 2104, confronting Iran’s human rights violations through personal accounts. These Iranians ask the UN to keep its promise to the world, and hold Iran accountable.


Promises Made, Promises Broken

Nine persecuted Iranians powerfully tell their stories of repression, harassment, detainment and torture in their own words. While these activists, bloggers, lawyers and students put a face to Iran’s human rights abuses, their stories are shared by many Iranians whose rights are violated every day.

Despite the fact that Iran accepted 126 recommendations from UN Human Rights Council member countries at its last UPR in 2010, it has not honored the majority of these commitments, and violations continue to occur.


Promises Made, Promises Broken (The Shadow)

Watch this teaser video on the impact of Iran’s human rights violations on Iranians. Check back each day leading up to the release of the full video on October 14. Watch all of the teaser videos here: http://bit.ly/1rUfza9


Promises Made, Promises Broken (The Ahwazi Activist)

Watch this teaser video on the impact of Iran’s human rights violations on Iranians. Check back each day leading up to the release of the full video on October 14. Watch all of the teaser videos here: http://bit.ly/1rUfza9

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Defenders of Human Rights Center

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Founded in 2001, the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC) is an Iranian human rights organization which advocates for the rights of women, political prisoners, and minorities in Iran. Its president is 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, and its vice president is 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammedi, currently incarcerated in Evin prison.

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