Recent Impact Iran HRC Submissions
Year Authors Subject Link 2020 The Advocates for Human Rights The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty Iran Human Rights […]
Year Authors Subject Link 2020 The Advocates for Human Rights The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty Iran Human Rights […]
As talks around the nuclear deal conclude in Vienna, “human rights are non-negotiable” While we applaud the European Parliament for
Joint letter from Impact Iran and it’s members calling on the United Nations presence in Iran to address human rights concerns as it develops a new cooperation framwork with Iran.
We, the undersigned Iranian and international human rights organisations, call on your government to support the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran at the 46th session of the Human Rights Council. We also urge your government to use this opportunity to voice concern at the grave and systematic violations of human rights reported by the Special Rapporteur, and to call on Iranian authorities to put an end to the endemic impunity that surrounds these violations.
We, the undersigned 36 civil society and human rights organizations, call for the urgent attention of the international community to an ongoing wave of arbitrary arrests, incommunicado detention, and enforced disappearances by the Iranian authorities, targeting scores of people from Iran’s disadvantaged Kurdish minority in the provinces of Alborz, Kermanshah, Kurdistan, Tehran, and West Azerbaijan.