Impact Iran applauds extension of UNSR and FFM on Iran

Impact Iran applauds today’s overwhelming vote at the UN Human Rights Council’s (HRC) in favor of the crucial continuation of  the mandates of both the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran and of the the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Iran.

The HRC approved the resolution with 24 votes in favor, 15 Abstentions, and 6 NO votes. The resolution was adopted with the support of states from all regions and received one of the highest votes of support tallies in its history. Half of the countries supporting the resolution belong to Africa, Latin America and Asia.

The UN Special Rapporteur is playing apivotal – and sometimes life-saving – role in assessing and shedding light on all dimensions of the dire situation of human rights within the country, and in engaging with Iranian authorities on situations and individual cases of particular concern. In parallel, , the Fact-Finding Mission, established in the wake of the Women, Life, Freedom movement, is playing a unique roleby investigatingallegations of human rights violations and international crimes committed by Iranian officials in relation to  the repression of the protests startedin September 2022.

With this vote, the international community demonstrates that it is not blind to the violations and crimes committed by Iranian authorities and that these must stop. Through this vote, the HRC takes one more step in affirming and supporting the rights of victims and of their families to justice and accountability, and that perpetrators must be held accountable.

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