In the 2019 report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (“UPR”) on the Islamic Republic of Iran (3rd cycle), Member States issued 21 recommendations relating to the rights of individuals belonging to minorities. The Islamic Republic of Iran supported only 4 of them.
Showcasing a shared concern among UN State Members, these recommendations call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to take measures to guarantee the rights of people belonging to minorities in law and in practice, including ethnic and religious minorities, and to eliminate or amend the legal norms, policies and practices that discriminate and/or have a discriminatory impact against members of these groups. The Government did not support any of these recommendations. However, it supported other recommendations that urged the Government to “take measures to protect religious and ethnic minorities” and “protect the rights of Christians and other minorities”, and to “continue” initiatives and “further efforts” aimed to promote and protect the rights of minorities. The drafters of this submission assess that the recommendations the Government had supported and otherwise, have all not been implemented since 2019.