Documents from UN (1st Cycle)

Below are documents from the UN regarding the 1st cycle of the Universal Periodic Review.



Iran’s Views on the Conclusions and/or Recommendations (June 3, 2010)

Following the outcome of the 2010 UPR, Iran submitted its conclusions and views of the recommendations and statements offered by the Working Group.


UN Headquaters Geneva public domainReport of the Working Group on the Islamic Republic of Iran (March 15, 2010)

A report containing a summary of the interaction and recommendations issued by UN Member States in the Working Group was published for Iran’s review.


UN Headquaters Geneva public domain 3 copy


Summary of Stakeholders’ Submissions (November 29, 2009)

Summary of 67 stakeholders’ submissions regarding the human rights situation in Iran submitted to the UPR Working Group.

UN-Headquaters-geneva-public-domain-2Compilation of UN Information for the Islamic Republic of Iran (November 25, 2009)

Report submitted by OHCHR for the seventh UPR session containing information compiled from the reports of treaty bodies, special procedures, and other sources.



Iran Flag black and whiteNational Report of the Islamic Republic of Iran (November 18, 2009)

National Report submitted by Iran to the Seventh Session of the UPR Working Group.

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