Iran Human Rights

Iran Human Rights (IHR) is a non-profit, human rights organization with members inside and outside Iran. It is a non-partisan and politically independent organization with based in Oslo, Norway.

IHR has active and supporting members in Iran, the United States, Canada, Japan and several European countries. The organization started as a network of Iranian and non-Iranian human rights defenders in 2005. It was registered in Norway as an international organization in 2009.

Reporting about the death penalty in Iran is the organization’s main focus. IHR’s aim has been to create an abolitionist movement in Iran by increasing awareness about the death penalty. The number of executions in Iran has risen in recent years, and there are now a growing number of human rights defenders, groups and even political organizations drawing attention to this issue.

In 2009, IHR became a member of the World Coalition against Death Penalty (WCADP) and is one of the twenty elected members of its steering committee.

Besides the death penalty, IHR monitors human rights issues, such as the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, women, children, human rights defenders, and environmental rights.



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